Peak Performance Coaching
Photo of Bear Grylls, (author of Facing Up) youngest climber of Mt. Everest.
Victoria’s training and experience as a business psychologist aided in matching the talents of individuals with the cultures and problems of their organizations. Specifically, she helped senior managers enhance their natural ability to maintain their highest level of performance.
In 1993 Victoria became a practitioner of Peak Performance Behavior Analysis. This technique, similar to sports coaching, is a process by which she helps identify what steps an executive follows when they do their best work. It shows them how and under what conditions their behavior is most successful. In team-building situations, planning and role assignments are made accordingly to the Peak Performance Patterns of each individual. It is also an effective way to help a stalled executive get back on track.
Past Clients have included: Lawrence S. Rockefeller, Sanford Bernstein & Co., Peter Vinella Associates, Olin Corp., Champion International, Automatic Data processing, New York Academy of Art in New York City, and Lisson Gallery in London, England.